The Sexiest Money Topic Ever Discussed… Superannuation: Intro

Yeah, Superannuation is not the sexiest of topics…

But, it is probably one of the most important topics and the vehicle to get you to retirement, and most importantly, through your retirement!

Therefore, I am going to brave the boring world of superannuation and educate you on the most important aspects of Super that is a need to know if you want to;

  • Live the life you want to live in retirement (I know it is 30 years away for some of you, but I can guarantee what you do now will change your life forever when you retire)

  • Minimise the tax you pay right NOW!! (Probably the main reason you should read this blog, if you don’t want to think about 30 years down the track.)

  • Minimise tax on investment income.

  • Feel secure when you stop working, not having to worry about paying down bills or buying gifts for loved ones, because you know you can afford to!

  • Go on holidays and see the world, or if not for you, be able to do WHAT YOU WANT with little restriction on finances!

If all of the above sounds pretty amazing, or even one point of the above, you need to read the next three blog articles over the next three weeks!

We are going to go on a journey to discuss the most important investment vehicle you will ever have!

In part one, we are going to go through what Super is and do a quick intro on the types of Super accounts there are, just a beginners guide to Super and where you could potentially find some really good comparison sites for super products and what to look for in a fund!

Part two is where we start to look at the juicier stuff, whereby I will run through different contributions and how you can maximise the full affect of contributions to minimise tax and how you could potentially get free money from the government or ATO.

Who doesn’t love FREE MONEY?

Part three, we are going to go on a bit more of a detailed and deep dive, mainly into the world of Self-managed Super funds and also a few hypothetical scenarios to wrap it all up!

I know Super is boring, I know it is something you would rather not think about, but it is still your money and it is going to be the driver of your retirement, therefore the earlier you learn and understand it, the better your retirement will be!

So buckle up, or leave the seat-belts off, because we are about to partake on a journey that is not really bumpy or fun like a rollercoaster, but that is what your Super should be!!

Boring and discipline is what accounts for most success, therefore, your Super should be just that, boring and disciplined.

Until next time,

Take Back Control


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