How to Achieve all of Your Health and Fitness Goals!

Most people, when they come to the gym, will generally start because they believe that they need to train to “look good,” or to be healthy…

Of course, this is untrue, as exercise and training alone is not going to be the reason that you “lose weight” or “get ripped.” No, eating the right foods, in moderation and sleeping the right amount is almost just as important as training 3-4 times per week.

Therefore, if you want to achieve all of your health and fitness goals, yes, you should work to train and be active, as it will go a long way to improving your health, however you should outsource the training and programming to a coach or gym. Therefore, you can prioritise and focus on the one thing a coach cannot help you with...

Your daily decisions to eat the right foods and sleep the right amount each night.

Your health simply comes down to the decisions you make each day, which means they come down to the habits you have created over the last 5-10, even 15 years.

Therefore, to achieve all of your health and fitness goals, to be honest, to achieve any goal you set your mind to, it comes down to simply understanding that you have control of the decisions you make each day.

Homo Sapiens, meaning you and I, are very complex, but also very simple, we are inherently lazy and look for the most convenient ways to do things, to save time and focus on the things we like doing. In fact, the brain automates the boring jobs we do, day in-day out.

Such as driving the car through traffic to and from work, one minute you are driving out of your driveway, the next you have safely arrived at work. Your brain is very adept at fast-forwarding time when it comes to completing tasks it does day in and day out, which is great for driving through traffic, however horribly bad for when you reach for those chips or chocolates out of the pantry each day.

It is this automated mode that you need to change for you to truly achieve optimal health.

Hence, to truly Take Back Control of your decision making each day, you need to understand what habits you have created that are completely autonomous. Especially the habits where you include the two Tim-Tams with a cup of coffee or cup of tea whilst watching TV.

The best way to do this is to take a mental note and write down each day what habits you have, it is simply like taking a step outside of your own body and actually viewing yourself as if a character in a TV show or movie.

What things about yourself do you notice that you want to change? What actions do you take that you know could be affecting your health?

Write down every little thing and then choose one thing per week or fortnight to improve.

Do you drink enough water? Do you get home and feel too exhausted to cook dinner, therefore ordering take out two to three times a week? Do you eat those extra two cookies from the pantry before bed?

Do you eat enough food during the day? Do you get enough vegies or enough protein?

All of these things and more may not seem like much at the time, but compounded over years and decades, these habits build up and get to the point where it is even harder to break them.

Therefore, it is a great time right now to do a quick audit of yourself and your habits that you have.

Once you have completed this audit, aim to choose two things to improve on, whether that is going for a 30 minute walk per day and then making sure you have dinner prepared 5 out of seven days per week.

Hope this helps you improve decision making process and therefore your habits over time.

Until next time,

Take Back Control

Note: If you are in a point in your life where everything is too crazy, where it feels like everyone wants a piece of you, that would be the worst time to start too many new things. I can guarantee that you will need extra energy and brain capacity to make better decisions, therefore, try to start training with a coach. By doing this, it is the easiest way to start a new thing and you are held accountable. Once you have built training up as a habit, then focus on the next thing, which should be sleep and then your eating should be next.


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