Joel Perryman Joel Perryman

How to Change Your Thinking and Mindset to Achieve anything!

Your Mindset is the key to everything, how you perceive the world and how you react is exactly what you will get back!

Within the previous blog, raising standards and deciding to choose your own fate was the most important factors to being able to Take Back Control…

Before you can do that though, you do need to be able to change how you think and your mindset!!

One of the book’s I have read in the past that drummed into me that mindset is key, would be “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill.

With such a simple message that is pounded into you from the very title, it truly opened my eyes to the fact that anything is possible, if you just think about it and obsess over it enough!

There are a few factors that led to the change in my mindset to be more successful and to work on achieving what is truly valuable to myself and my family.

These factors are completely transferrable to yourself, most importantly, if you work on them everyday, you will be able to create a bulletproof mindset!

These factors come down to;

  • Getting clear on who you want to be as a person, what your strengths/weaknesses are and knowing the lifestyle you want to live, including career, business, relationships etc. (The journey you need to walk)

  • Surrounding yourself with people who want to be achievers, growing a network and just being able to challenge each other. (Environment and relationships are pivotal to change)

  • Moving away from pain or heading towards pleasure (Having a make or break moment in your life)

Let me run through what pushed me on the path of change to being more successful, in the hope that my story can help you to also change your thinking and mindset!

Starting with a make or break moment, a time in your life where you have either had enough of something or you are challenged to the point where it becomes necessity to survive.

For my moment, it was both!!

The moment for me was when I was asked by a friend to join him in a business venture when I was 18 years old, at the time, I was running my own sole trader business and working casually as well as going to university.

Unfortunately, the timing was just not right for me, because at that point in time, I was broke…

In fact, I remember having -$7.03 in my bank account at that exact moment, I was utterly distraught and the feeling of shame, disappointment, and even a little fear of missing out, was crushing.

That was the moment I knew I had to change, I needed to change and push myself further than I had ever done so before!

From there, I knew I had to move away from the emotional pain and setback, and move towards the person I wanted to become.

I didn’t truly know who that was until I started surrounding myself with people who wanted even more success in life than myself. I started paying a business coach to help me create a better Personal Training business, I pretty much spent all of my spare time working towards never being broke ever again!

The idea of not having the money to afford fuel to just get to work weighed on my mind…

It drove me to be better and to change my mindset, I stopped spending money for myself and put everything I had back into paying down the rent, business coaching and just being better!

The moment is what made my mindset shift, which drove me to change my environment and relationships and in the end has led me to get clear on who I am as a person.

The thing is, you don’t need a moment of pain to help you decide on what you want to do or who you want to be.

No, I was young and pretty naïve at the time, but I know you can be better, I believe that you can be more.

All you have to do is decide right here and now to prioritise what you stand for as a person!!

You just need to want it more than anyone else, you just need to learn to sacrifice a little bit now for long term gains later.

Once you have decided to do something, set out small actions to take and help you to achieve your bigger goals.

I went from -$7 to owning our first home with my wife within ten years from that moment, we have also now brought our second home, our dream home which we will live in for the next 20-30 years.

Which is where we will hopefully start a new journey, where we can build our own family and strive for heights we didn’t think was possible ten years ago.

It just goes to show, if I can go from -$7.03 in my account to being a home owner in ten years and running a business, plus buying our dream home…

You can do it too!!

Until next time,

Take Back Control

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Joel Perryman Joel Perryman

Want Success in Life? Do what 95% of People don’t do…

The top 5% of successful people in the world do two things differently to everyone else.

In a western society where we are so full on with things to do all the time…

Joel Perryman delves into why this is harming the success you want for yourself and goes through on some of the first steps to Taking Back Control of your Life-Health-Wealth

Life gets busy and life seems to be non-stop sometimes, from family and social events to working long hours so you can complete those tasks your boss wanted done yesterday, we all have pretty hectic lives in western society.

In fact, before COVID-19 hit, I remember always responding “I have been crazy busy” to the simple question of, how has your day been?

In fact, if I didn’t respond with how busy I had been, I almost felt like I was letting myself down. I don’t know if this was just me, however in our western society, being busy was a display of success for most people. I felt almost embarrassed to say I didn’t have much on or I had a “chilled” day.

Throughout COVID-19, I became more aware and educated in the ways of Buddhism. Now, I myself am not religious, however I do believe that we can take concepts taught by spiritual leaders such as the Great Buddha and Jesus Christ to challenge us and create a great path for our way of living.

In fact, it was these concepts, as well as the teachings I learned from my literature teachers back in high school who challenged me to think outside the box and to change my perceptions on how I see the world, that led me to become the person I am today.

What does all this have to do with becoming successful, you ask?

Well, all of the above made me STOP and THINK

It made me STOP to THINK about goals, about life and about what needs to be done to achieve the life you want to live.

To take a deep breath, let life flow by for a little bit and to truly listen to what I want, rather than what others wanted for me.

Once I learned to STOP and THINK, I became more aware of what needed to be done to achieve my own goals, I was able to write out stepping stones towards my dreams and vision of the future.

Just by simply STOPPING and THINKING, you are doing what 95% of people don’t do…

Which is going to help you become more attuned and aligned with your own values and goals, which is one of the first steps to Taking Back Control of your life.

So, do you want success? If so, you need to carve out time to Stop and Think, journal or speak out your thoughts to a recorder. You may be surprised at what ideas and thoughts go through your head, don’t be afraid of them, embrace them.

The success you want in life resides within You and only You, hence why You need to reach inside and pull it out. If there is anything that I have learned over the last ten years talking to people of all backgrounds, it is that a lot of people do not actually know what their own definition of success is.

That is why I want you to Stop and Think about what success means for you?

To help you get started with this, my suggestion would be to;

  1. Create a specific time for you to Stop and Think

  2. Write down ideas in a journal or record it on your mobile

  3. Be curious and let your thoughts flow, best way to do this is be in nature and get rid of all distractions (meaning no social media)

  4. Read it aloud or play it back, I find you truly understand the concepts by doing this

All of the above is a great way to start building on the success you want in life and I believe will help you to Take Back Control,

Until next time,

Take Back Control

If you have found this Blog valuable, I would love it if you shared it with friends and family. The more the merrier, as I want to see each and every one of you learn to Take Back Control of your Life-Health-Wealth !

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Joel Perryman Joel Perryman

The Number One Secret to Changing Your Life!

The Number one Secret to changing your Life-Health-Wealth and it is one of the most simple things that you can do. I know that over the last two years, whilst we have been in lockdown due to Covid-19, I have been doing a lot more of this one thing.

The foundation to anyone’s success comes back to this, make sure that you read all the way to the end to find out!

I have talked about this already in my first article, whereby I touched on the foundation of Taking Back Control of your Life-Health-Wealth. The foundation is not something I can do for you, it is not something anyone else can do for you either…

You are the only person who can decide and imagine this key and foundational secret to achieving greater Life-Health-Wealth.

It is a skillset in which you can work on and build upon as well, it is forever changing with your ideals, your values and your environment.

The number one secret to changing your life comes down to one thing really, and it seems so simple once you think about it, but so many people don’t do this one thing.

Let me tell you a quick story about two men, or two women, whichever you can identify with the most. One man was outgoing and adventurous when he was younger, he travelled all over the place, going from the party-scenes in Greece, to base camp of Everest. Everyone looked at what he was doing and thought, I would love to do that, it would be amazing to travel and try new things.

Once this man had finally seen most things, he travelled back home, he was late twenties and was now back to a reality he would rather forget. Hemmed down by debt and not knowing what he really wants to do in life, he goes through life, finds a partner, has some kids, buys a house and gets into more debt and works a job he never really liked. He always thinks back to the days where life was easy and care-free and misses those days. He works up until the point he retires, but his health has deteriorated and he is worried about finances because he had never been good at keeping track of his money. He loves his family, but feels empty on the inside.

On the other hand, the other man, or woman, had decided to work and try new things at home. He also wanted to travel and experience life to its fullest, but he was disciplined enough to save up for the times where he travelled. He spoke to career driven people and found his strengths, he dreamed of travelling and helping people. He envisioned a world where his family was happy, care-free and living in the a really nice house. He dreamed of being surrounded by the people his life had touched.

He worked to semi-retire by the age of 45 years old, so he could truly make an impact on his local community, not having to worry about money or stress about trivial things that were not important to him. Fast-forward to his semi-retirement and he feels he is making a difference to other people’s lives, doing what he loves to do day in and day out. He has a family that is supported financially and has everything they ever need and he takes them travelling around the world, without a worry for money or expenses.

Out of the two men, or women, I know who I would rather be…

Of course, everyone is different, but the foundation for achieving a successful Life-Health-Wealth comes down to the one thing that the second wo/man did more than the first. S/He dreamed of the world s/he wanted to be living in within twenty years time, they were able to be disciplined enough to see what they wanted and created goals to achieve it.

It was the idea of imagining this world, this future, being hopeful and believing in themselves to achieve it. DREAMS and envisioning your future is the foundation to achieving anything in life, if you do not have the imagination to dream your life up, I would suggest that you work on it.

Talk with someone who has a dream for their life, their families lives and even for the world. Because if you do not dream and hope for the future, if you just go through life without carving out your own path, you will most likely end up similar to the first man, or woman.

Not sure where to start?

I started by thinking about these two questions, “Where would you like to be in 20 years time, if you had no restrictions, if you were not worried about money or anything, what would a day in the life of You be like? What would you want to be doing 20 years from now?”

I would sit down, with no distractions and start writing if I was you, I have done this many times over, in fact, I do it at the start of every year.

However, if you are not a writer, and would rather talk, record it or even video yourself, do what you can so that you can go back over it and review it. Your dream will change, but if you do not dream and don’t record/write it down somewhere, you will never truly achieve it.

You need the vision to drive you forward, otherwise, you just go through life much like the first man or woman, and you end up just floating through life and before you know it, your life is over.

I want to leave you with those thoughts, thinking and envisioning has got me where I am today, I truly believe it is the foundation to achieving more from your Life-Health-Wealth. It is never too late to start Dreaming!

Until next time,

Take Back Control

If you have found this Blog valuable, I would love it if you shared it with friends and family. The more the merrier, as I want to see each and every one of you learn to Take Back Control of your Life-Health-Wealth !

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