How to Change Your Thinking and Mindset to Achieve anything!

Within the previous blog, raising standards and deciding to choose your own fate was the most important factors to being able to Take Back Control…

Before you can do that though, you do need to be able to change how you think and your mindset!!

One of the book’s I have read in the past that drummed into me that mindset is key, would be “Think and Grow Rich,” by Napoleon Hill.

With such a simple message that is pounded into you from the very title, it truly opened my eyes to the fact that anything is possible, if you just think about it and obsess over it enough!

There are a few factors that led to the change in my mindset to be more successful and to work on achieving what is truly valuable to myself and my family.

These factors are completely transferrable to yourself, most importantly, if you work on them everyday, you will be able to create a bulletproof mindset!

These factors come down to;

  • Getting clear on who you want to be as a person, what your strengths/weaknesses are and knowing the lifestyle you want to live, including career, business, relationships etc. (The journey you need to walk)

  • Surrounding yourself with people who want to be achievers, growing a network and just being able to challenge each other. (Environment and relationships are pivotal to change)

  • Moving away from pain or heading towards pleasure (Having a make or break moment in your life)

Let me run through what pushed me on the path of change to being more successful, in the hope that my story can help you to also change your thinking and mindset!

Starting with a make or break moment, a time in your life where you have either had enough of something or you are challenged to the point where it becomes necessity to survive.

For my moment, it was both!!

The moment for me was when I was asked by a friend to join him in a business venture when I was 18 years old, at the time, I was running my own sole trader business and working casually as well as going to university.

Unfortunately, the timing was just not right for me, because at that point in time, I was broke…

In fact, I remember having -$7.03 in my bank account at that exact moment, I was utterly distraught and the feeling of shame, disappointment, and even a little fear of missing out, was crushing.

That was the moment I knew I had to change, I needed to change and push myself further than I had ever done so before!

From there, I knew I had to move away from the emotional pain and setback, and move towards the person I wanted to become.

I didn’t truly know who that was until I started surrounding myself with people who wanted even more success in life than myself. I started paying a business coach to help me create a better Personal Training business, I pretty much spent all of my spare time working towards never being broke ever again!

The idea of not having the money to afford fuel to just get to work weighed on my mind…

It drove me to be better and to change my mindset, I stopped spending money for myself and put everything I had back into paying down the rent, business coaching and just being better!

The moment is what made my mindset shift, which drove me to change my environment and relationships and in the end has led me to get clear on who I am as a person.

The thing is, you don’t need a moment of pain to help you decide on what you want to do or who you want to be.

No, I was young and pretty naïve at the time, but I know you can be better, I believe that you can be more.

All you have to do is decide right here and now to prioritise what you stand for as a person!!

You just need to want it more than anyone else, you just need to learn to sacrifice a little bit now for long term gains later.

Once you have decided to do something, set out small actions to take and help you to achieve your bigger goals.

I went from -$7 to owning our first home with my wife within ten years from that moment, we have also now brought our second home, our dream home which we will live in for the next 20-30 years.

Which is where we will hopefully start a new journey, where we can build our own family and strive for heights we didn’t think was possible ten years ago.

It just goes to show, if I can go from -$7.03 in my account to being a home owner in ten years and running a business, plus buying our dream home…

You can do it too!!

Until next time,

Take Back Control


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