What it takes to Take Back Control of Your Life-Health-Wealth!

Would you agree that you feel like the days are just flying by, you wake up and before you know it, you are getting ready to settle down for the night, putting the kids to bed, or doggo/cats, or both!!

You may be bringing out the glass of red, or ice-cream for some, its been a big day and you want to give yourself a treat. Well-deserved too, you got that big deal today, or you were able to finish a massive project and you feel accomplished and relieved that it went well…

But, you still don’t feel completely happy with yourself, you may not be feeling fully fulfilled, maybe you just aren’t doing anything for yourself anymore!

You drone out to the white noise on the T.V as you eat your ice-cream or share a glass with your partner, trying to re-coup from what felt like a huge day.

You start scrolling social media on your phone, as the T.V show is not really all that interesting, and you start seeing all these people away on holidays, escaping the mediocrity of their lives.

You start wanting to get away, to escape it all, you start becoming jealous and envious of all these people on social media that are working out, just like you use to when you were younger.

They look fit and most of all, they look HAPPY!

How did it come to this?

…Today, I wanted to share this story with you, because this is how a lot of people feel!

You don’t feel like you have control of your life, you don’t feel fulfilment, nor are you completely happy, you are not content and always want more.

If this has touched something within you, this story above, I want to share with you how you can Take Back Control starting as of this very moment.

I like to tell my clients, it first starts with a decision to WANT to do more, to be more. And truly, you need to DECIDE that you want to change before anything else, which can be scary, but nothing good comes from standing still.

You only have to look at nature to understand this, nothing stands still, the trees bend with the wind, or they snap in half…

The rocks on the foreshore are slowly eroded away by the consistent pounding of the waves, becoming smaller and smaller until it breaks off from the cliffs and erodes down into a pebble.

You cannot stand still, you cannot expect to feel content, or happy if you have decided to stop achieving for YOURSELF!

I found this out the hard way, whereby I stopped for around two years, which mentally, was the worst two years of my life, I tried achieving for others and it just led to frustration.


Once you have done this, you are a step closer to Taking Back Control.

The next step is to deciding to becoming someone else entirely!

Everything that has happened to you up until this point in time that you have control over, things like deciding to reward yourself with ice-cream or a glass of red every night, these are based around who YOU are, your identity.

Everyone loves a treat every now and again, but when did it become EVERY night?

Maybe it was an accumulation of multiple bad days, maybe you got too busy and everything was hard, so a comfort at the end of the day was really nice to make you feel better…

However, now you have even less energy, you feel even less happy, you stopped being that person who worked out, you stopped identifying as a healthy and fit person.

You can also contribute this to every scenario that was a bad habit built up over time, if you don’t identify as someone who is always struggling with money, you will continue to always struggle with money.

If you believe yourself to be the person who snacks consistently, you will always snack!

You need to decide to be someone else and raise your standards to match your new identity, that is how you Take Back Control.

In my previous article, I wrote about the four pillars of health and within that, I gave you my standards that I always meet, each and every day.

That is how I remain healthy, that is why I am able to be positive and full of energy. All because, I made a decision, a decision to be the healthiest I can be.

Sure you will make mistakes along the way, you will give in to temptation and you can enjoy a night out every now and again, but you still need to decide on WHO you will be and whether you will CHANGE who you are.

No matter where you are struggling in life, whether it is with relationships, wealth, health, education or career, you can always CHOOSE to be better, simply by deciding and taking action on raising your standards!

Hopefully this has lit a small ember within your stomach, a spark to change, because that is all you need.

In my next blog, I will be writing about how I changed my thinking and who I was when it came to money, going from -$7 in my bank account to owning my own home!

Until next time,

Take Back Control


How to Change Your Thinking and Mindset to Achieve anything!


Without Health, what is the point in Wealth?