Want Success in Life? Do what 95% of People don’t do…

Life gets busy and life seems to be non-stop sometimes, from family and social events to working long hours so you can complete those tasks your boss wanted done yesterday, we all have pretty hectic lives in western society.

In fact, before COVID-19 hit, I remember always responding “I have been crazy busy” to the simple question of, how has your day been?

In fact, if I didn’t respond with how busy I had been, I almost felt like I was letting myself down. I don’t know if this was just me, however in our western society, being busy was a display of success for most people. I felt almost embarrassed to say I didn’t have much on or I had a “chilled” day.

Throughout COVID-19, I became more aware and educated in the ways of Buddhism. Now, I myself am not religious, however I do believe that we can take concepts taught by spiritual leaders such as the Great Buddha and Jesus Christ to challenge us and create a great path for our way of living.

In fact, it was these concepts, as well as the teachings I learned from my literature teachers back in high school who challenged me to think outside the box and to change my perceptions on how I see the world, that led me to become the person I am today.

What does all this have to do with becoming successful, you ask?

Well, all of the above made me STOP and THINK

It made me STOP to THINK about goals, about life and about what needs to be done to achieve the life you want to live.

To take a deep breath, let life flow by for a little bit and to truly listen to what I want, rather than what others wanted for me.

Once I learned to STOP and THINK, I became more aware of what needed to be done to achieve my own goals, I was able to write out stepping stones towards my dreams and vision of the future.

Just by simply STOPPING and THINKING, you are doing what 95% of people don’t do…

Which is going to help you become more attuned and aligned with your own values and goals, which is one of the first steps to Taking Back Control of your life.

So, do you want success? If so, you need to carve out time to Stop and Think, journal or speak out your thoughts to a recorder. You may be surprised at what ideas and thoughts go through your head, don’t be afraid of them, embrace them.

The success you want in life resides within You and only You, hence why You need to reach inside and pull it out. If there is anything that I have learned over the last ten years talking to people of all backgrounds, it is that a lot of people do not actually know what their own definition of success is.

That is why I want you to Stop and Think about what success means for you?

To help you get started with this, my suggestion would be to;

  1. Create a specific time for you to Stop and Think

  2. Write down ideas in a journal or record it on your mobile

  3. Be curious and let your thoughts flow, best way to do this is be in nature and get rid of all distractions (meaning no social media)

  4. Read it aloud or play it back, I find you truly understand the concepts by doing this

All of the above is a great way to start building on the success you want in life and I believe will help you to Take Back Control,

Until next time,

Take Back Control

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