How To Improve In Any Aspect Of Your Life!

I once heard that if you are not growing, you are dying…

The many things that occur in the natural world seem to justify this law, a law embedded into every natural living organism on this Earth.

Plant’s continue to grow and change, whether that is in size, in bloom or even in shedding its leaves. Animals are constantly growing, getting rid of old cells and creating cells anew. Humans shed our skin and make new skin cells every seven days, and over the long term we are constantly evolving. Every single living organism is changing, adapting and becoming stronger, faster and more adept at facing the challenges we see in every day to day life. In fact, we became the apex predators of Earth for the very reason that we are masters of adapting, re-inventing ourselves and facing challenges head on.

Therefore, the first thing we need to do is accept that we are capable of change and truly the masters of adapting to all environments and situations.

To improve, we need to embrace the change and step outside our comfort zones, no matter whether you are introverted or extroverted, physically strong or mentally strong.

You are born to be more than just what you are now, the very fact that you were born at all is simply an amazing feat in itself, a one in one trillion chance!

Once you have accepted that you are capable, that you can change, that you are ready to be more…

You need to work out what you want to do and who you want to be. Most people stop at this part, because in all honesty, this is the most difficult part. A life long journey of trying to understand self, others around you, their nature, why they do what they do. Why you do what you do…

And the hardest part, there is no one size fits all approach, it is a path only you can really decide to walk down and only you alone can navigate. Of course, there will be people along the way to show you a way that might be easier, or others who will show you a way that will be more treacherous, however you are the only one that can truly decide on which path you can walk.

There are signposts along the way that can also make this path a little bit easier, these signposts are quite difficult to spot and you have to be aware of them for you to be able to see them. Meaning you need to be vigilant along your journey, you have to be looking out for these sign posts and be on a constant look out.

The best way to be able to recognise these sign posts that I have found, and therefore the best way to keep you growing and moving along the path of self-improvement and growth, is to understand your priorities/goals.

Your priorities and goals, much like life, will be constantly changing as well, therefore you need to be able to reflect on your life, your career, your health, your finances and more to be able to understand what you want.

A few priorities you may have:


+Health/training/eating well

+Friends and socialising


+Paying bills

+Living extravagantly

+Living minimally



+You time

+Significance and fame


The list of course can go on and on, depending on who you are, what stage of life you are in and whether you are walking the path alone currently, or with a partner/family.

To work out your most important priorities, I use to ask clients to list their top 5 priorities they have, priorities you need to make sure happens otherwise your life becomes a total mess/miserable.

Most constantly, I found that people would say #1 is children or family, #2 is work, #3 is the mortgage and paying the bills, #4 they might say holidays and #5 might be holidays/travel…

However, no one would actually say that they prioritise themselves, their growth or time for themselves either…

After that, I would ask them what their top five goals would be, and again it comes down to losing weight, going travelling, etc.

Most people would realise they are prioritising things all wrong when I asked them this, as their top five goals in life and their priorities did not match up in any way at all.

The moment when the light bulb hits, that is when I knew it would a life changing moment and they would begin to realise that they can improve in any aspect of their lives. Once they begin to prioritise their goals, living the life they need to achieve that goal every day, that is when true improvement begins.

That is what it takes to be able to improve and succeed, living your goals everyday, which means you need to prioritise them and continue instilling habits that will help you to be the best version of yourself.

Does it work though? Most people have tried "losing weight” before, or tried saving what they need to be able to go on that holiday…

However, they may not have been able to follow through, which is fine, because at least they or you have tried!
The key is to keep trying, to keep prioritising and staying disciplined enough to keep at it.

You keep thinking about what you want your life to be, what you want to improve in, what you want to achieve and prioritise that every day, that is when you will be able to achieve it. You just need to keep on keeping on!

Until next time,

Take Back Control


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