Financial Freedom, Balanced Life Joel Perryman Financial Freedom, Balanced Life Joel Perryman

How to Smash Your Life Goals by Getting Fit and Wealthy

There are two things in life that will help you to take back control more than anything else…

Your health and your wealth. If you can create disciplined habits around these two things, you will be setting yourself up to taking back control of your life and living life on your terms.

A lot of people feel like they are stuck, living a menial existence and just surviving the day…

But you can do more than that with your life and it just takes a few simple steps!

Are you sick and tired of feeling unhappy with your life, and unable to change it? Do you want to smash your life goals and create an awesome future for yourself? If so, you are not the only one. Many people struggle with feeling stuck in the loop, in the rat race, in their personal and professional lives. But, you don’t have to settle for this as your reality. By getting fit and wealthy, you are doing the two main things that will create the discipline and respect needed to smash your life goals. Here are some simple steps you can take to start your journey:

  • Set SMART goals for your fitness and wealth. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. SMART goals are clear, realistic, and trackable. They help you focus on what you want to achieve and how you will get there. For example, instead of saying “I want to get in shape”, you can say “I want to lose 10 kg in 6 months by eating clean and working out regularly”. Instead of saying “I want to make money”, you can say “I want to make $10,000 in a year by cutting crap expenses and increasing my income”. SMART goals give you direction, motivation, and accountability.

  • Create a plan and a budget for your fitness and wealth. A plan and a budget are essential tools for achieving your goals. They help you organize your actions, resources, and time. They also help you monitor your progress and adjust your strategy if needed. For example, you can create a plan and a budget for your fitness by deciding what kind of diet and exercise you will follow, how much you will spend on food and fitness, and how often you will check your weight and fitness indicators. You can create a plan and a budget for your wealth by deciding how much you will save, invest, and spend, what kind of income sources and opportunities you will pursue, and how often you will review your financial statements and goals.

  • Take action and stick to your plan and budget. The most important step is to take action and stick to your plan and budget. Without action, your goals will remain dreams. Without consistency, your results will be short-lived. You need to take action and stick to your plan and budget every day, every week, every month, and every year. You need to overcome procrastination, laziness, temptation, and distraction. You need to develop discipline, habits, and routines that support your fitness and wealth. You need to celebrate your achievements, learn from your mistakes, and keep improving.

  • Seek support and guidance from others. You don’t have to do this alone. You can seek support and guidance from others who can help you achieve your fitness and wealth goals. You can find mentors, coaches, advisors, or experts who can teach you, inspire you, and hold you accountable. You can join communities, groups, or networks of like-minded people who can share their experiences, tips, and resources with you. You can also ask for help from your family, friends, or colleagues who can support you, encourage you, and cheer you on.

Smashing your life goals by getting fit and rich is not easy, but it is possible. By following these simple steps, you can start your journey and transform your life. Remember, you are the boss of your own life. You have the power to change your situation and create your own happiness.

Of course, all of the above is not easy, but if you make it simple and build on one habit, one action step at a time, you will get there faster than you think.

Until Next Time,

Take Back Control

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Financial Freedom, Your Money Joel Perryman Financial Freedom, Your Money Joel Perryman

What is Stopping You from being Financially Free?

When do you know you have made it?

What is financial freedom to you? Here are the top 3 things you need to do to attain financial freedom and build your empire.

Since starting in the Financial Planning profession and working as a client relationship manager, there has been a lot of learnings. You can learn a lot about the technical side of Superannuation, Estate planning, Retirement, Investing, Trust structures, Business/Companies, Budgeting and Cashflow projections…

All are really valid and great to know, however, there is no point learning all of that if you don’t understand how money and your everyday to day behaviour is interconnected. Locked together in a constant battle of wills, discipline and decision making that over a lifetime can lead to Financial Freedom and a great retirement or can lead to living off the age pension and counting your pennies everyday.

Everyone of course wants the Financial Freedom and the ability to do whatever you want, but not everyone is going to get there…

Therefore, today I want to share with you the top tips to attaining financial freedom and being able to significantly change your life at the same time!

And also explain why you have not attained Financial Freedom yet….

Understand the Past to Create the Future You DESIRE!

The key to unlocking your potential, as corny as it sounds, is to understanding your past and what behaviours you picked up from your upbringing. Most psychologists today are learning more and more about how our upbringing and the way our parents treated us truly affects how we behave when it comes to money decisions, and life in general.

The understanding of a psychologist who studies the evolutionary theory, is that we are born with 50% of our behaviours already embedded in our DNA. Therefore, we have no control over some aspects of our life, which makes it even more important for you to understand your strengths and weaknesses.

25-30% of our behaviours come from our upbringing, between the ages of 0-6 years old, where our brains were the most malleable or think of our brains as sponges that were prone to taking in everything from our environment.

The other 20-25% comes from our peers and social groups, where we try to fit in and mould into a group that we can connect with and find purpose.

If we were to take the idea of evolutionary psychology and put it into effect, it makes it even more important for you to understand how your parents view money and whether you are a spender or saver.

Hence, you need to really look back at your upbringing, ask your parents or look back into the past and ask yourself, what is money to me?

Do I save up every penny? Or do I spend most of my money? (If you are like the 80-85% of us, you are a spender, so don’t feel bad if you are)

Did my parents complain about money or see it as “Bad”? Do I?

Were my parents comfortable with debt or were they always stressed about the mortgage? Do you find yourself also becoming stressed?

What was your first money memory? Was it of piggy banks and saving to buy your first toy? Or were you given everything?

There is no right or wrong answers here, you should not feel guilty about your upbringing or blame your parents for the way you are now, although there is partial responsibility on their part.

What you need to do is start to understand your past, and start to understand that you can make life easier by setting up a plan based on your behaviours and how you view money now. The key is to become aware of your own behaviours, to stop and reflect, which is difficult at first, but like anything, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Having a VISION of what your FUTURE is like and bring your PARTNER along for the journey!

It may sound a bit corny again, but truly having a vision of what your future looks like, even tastes, smells, sounds and feels like, is going to make it way more likely for you to succeed.

Once you have an understanding of your past, you need to set your eyes to the future, and you need to truly envision what it will be like in 1, 3, 5, 10 or even 20 years.

For most people, you don’t think all that often in the future tense, biologically, we are more adept at surviving in the here and now, therefore most of us will always be thinking in past or present tense. But, for true financial freedom, there is a necessity to think about the future.

Therefore, to buck the trend, to “escape the rat race,” you need to do what most people are not.

One of my favourite exercises to do which will help you to envision your future is to ask yourself, “what is a day in the life [insert your own name here] in 12 months time?”

**Remember, there are no right or wrong answers, it needs to be reasonable, but let your imagination take effect here. What does your morning look like? What are you doing throughout the day? Who are you with? Where are you going and where do you live?

Take at least 15 minutes to type or write this down, my preference is to write as you are more likely again to achieve this if you physically write it down. You are taking it from your minds eye to a physical manifestation in written form.

The key to this is to do it multiple times, to live it in your minds eye and to describe it as accurately as possible. You will find it difficult at the beginning, however with practise, it will become easier and easier. Or, if you are not a visionary and it is not a strength of yours, ask your partner to help you and to build a vision together.

If you do not have a partner, discuss it with friends or family, someone you can truly open up to and let it all out.

Create a SYSTEM and have the DISCIPLINE to stick to it!

Once you have an understanding of your behaviours and what you actually you want to achieve, you can look to breaking it down into manageable steps to getting you to that overall vision.

The best way to do this is to find someone who has done what you want to achieve previously, which I can guarantee there is someone out there who has achieved your vision of life.

Otherwise, talk to a professional, someone who lives and breathes helping people to live their goals and vision of the future everyday.

Either of these people will be able to help you formulate a system, however if you want to do it yourself, you can always look to creating your own systems.

You can do this by simply doing what I call reverse engineering, where you make your vision and create a goal around that vision. An example is you may want to be financially free and for you to do that you need to earn at least $90,000 per annum.

How do you get to $90,000 per annum from a mix of passive and active income streams? Where will it come from essentially?

Investments? Property? A business? A YouTube/podcast channel?

There are multiple ways you can do it, it all depends on your vision and understanding yourself, how you behave and what your strengths are!

Once you have the vehicle (investments/business, property etc.), you can step out goals to work on everyday to help you bring your vision to life.

That system may mean that you set up your bank accounts correctly, automating your savings so when your pay goes in, your savings goes out to another account, maybe even at a different bank.

The system could be simply you sit down every two weeks to revise your budget and spending, understanding where you money is going. Or getting your partner to do it, because they may be better at it then you.

Once you have set up a system, you just need to keep doing it, week in, week out. Having the discipline to make sure that it is on track by reviewing it and setting little milestones in which you can celebrate once you hit them.

A great way to make sure that you are keeping on track is to talk to someone, a partner or professional, who will keep you accountable. The power of telling someone you are going to do something is significant in helping you to living the vision you wrote down, just having someone to be there when it gets tough or discipline wanes. It is very underrated in our current society anyhow.

If Financial Freedom comes down to only three things, why don’t you have it in the first place?

Because most people get stuck in the day to day, they forget about their dreams and visions they had as a child growing up, they forget about being curious and don’t have time to reflect.

They grow content and settle for what they have, which is fine, if you are happy and living the life you want to live, but most people are not!

The other reason is simply because financial freedom takes TIME!

You need to have PATIENCE, and do what my wife calls “building your empire.” We live in such a fast pace society that we forget we have 90-100 years of life in us, not everything is going to come to you straight away and sometimes takes years if not decades of work and perseverance.

Hopefully this has effected you in a way that you will stop and think a little bit about your own life and where that is going.

But until next time,

Take Back Control

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