Life Joel Perryman Life Joel Perryman

The Greatest Hedge Against Inflation!

Seeking wisdom and knowledge can be a great hedge against inflation!!

On my morning walk with Marlow (my 12 month golden retriever) this morning, I listened to a Jim Rohn lecture on wisdom. And in his usual way, Jim Rohn explained the concept of wisdom in his round-about, way through stories and parables (not from the bible, but some are).

I listened to the lecture for about thirty minutes and there is one thing I was able to take from it that stood out above all else. From all of Jim Rohn’s own wisdom, from the knowledge he took from Socrates, the greatest philosopher of ancient Greece, from the wisdom of King Soloman, of the bible, and even the success of an investing banker friend that had it made…

Each and every person from history that you would deem wise and all-knowing (omniscient, a word to add to the vocabulary if you want), they all had one thing in common!

The fact that they believed they did not know anything, they were seekers of knowledge and of truth.

In fact, I remember last year being in a meeting with a mentor of my own, and we were talking about inflation, the affects it has on the broader economy and to every day people like you and I.

The one thing that really stood out from that meeting is that inflation does not matter, in fact, you should be happy about inflation. Rather than complain about rising costs of living, go out and work on using this opportunity of rising costs to get a promotion or a salary increase.

You do not have control over the greater economy, but you do have control over the knowledge you accrue and over the income you earn.

The more knowledge and value you give back to the company you work for, the more your income will increase. Inflation, if it becomes set and on-going, leads to wage increases, you just need to be able to demonstrate your value and ask for that raise!

But, the person who believes they know everything, will not increase their value to the company, in fact, they will not change at all.

Therefore, become a seeker of wisdom and knowledge. Make it your ethos, your life’s goal to accrue more information and life experience. Be more valuable than the next person and inflation will not matter, in fact, you will sing and dance when you hear that fuel and food prices are increasing, as it means that it may be time to ask for that extra raise.

Which is why you should ask great questions, seek more knowledge and be more valuable. If you think you know nothing, that means that you will be even more hungry to seek out what will benefit your life and the lives of others around you!

I know I will be seeking to understand and gain more knowledge to make myself a valuable asset to the marketplace,

Until next time,

Take Back Control!

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