Book Review, Life Joel Perryman Book Review, Life Joel Perryman

A Review of Dr. Jordan Peterson’s “Beyond Order: 12 More Rules For Life”

My review on Dr. Jordan Petersons Beyond Order: 12 more rules for life.

The first of many book reviews I am hoping, where I might be able to take out the most important aspects of the book and pass it on to you, the reader of this blog. The reason for this? I truly believe that it can help you to Take Back Control!

Generally speaking, there is a lot of reading in my life, from work to uni studies, I am sure you get the picture, however, most people will generally just read the contents and not take anything in. By my being able to take out the most important aspects of the books I read and pass it on to you, I also hope to be able to gain some fresh insights as we travel along this journey we call life together.

Now, the book, “Beyond Order,” is not your ordinary book in which I would give to anyone or suggest for anyone to read. It is some truly heavy content, where Dr. Jordan Peterson draws from his past experiences as well as experiences of clients (being a clinical psychologist) to flesh out twelve more rules for life, discussing the more darker and chaotic aspects that happen in life.

There is a definite theme of “good” v.s “evil,” “yin and yang,” “order against chaos…” These themes run throughout the book in each chapter, told through story form. Where Dr. Jordan Peterson utilises his past experience as a clinical psychologist to explain these themes, but he also uses many alternative stories to do so as well, such as the Bible, Disney princesses and evil queens, drawing from millennia of human communication through our favourite past time.

Which has got to be one of the main reasons I love this book so much, even though you can tell that Dr. Jordan Petersons methods of fleshing out the ideas and themes are long and drawn out, he does it in a way that engages you and to make sure that the themes are drummed into you. There is not a moment in the book where his long drawn out method bores you, where you want to put the book down, although you may want to have a break every now and again from the barrage of information and to take in the content.

Now the real reason I wanted to write a review on this book in particular is due to the fact that it is a book in which most people need to read. We don’t get taught in school the things that Dr. Peterson writes, things like taking responsibility of ones life, to stop and take in the beauty of the world, that the world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows…

There is evil and malevolence out there, in which Dr. Peterson describes in great depth, and goes on to use previous client accounts to explain what happens if you do not draw up the courage to face these evils and malevolent forces in the world.

One of the most important aspects I have taken from the book is that sometimes, great trauma and pain happen. And not for any reason, apart from wrong time, wrong place, just down to pure misfortune or luck some may say. We cannot become victims of these traumatic or painful experiences, we need to utilise these experiences to build ourselves up, to face the great unknown and chaos.

Therefore building resilience and growing from these events that happen in our lives, now there are some who truly have more misfortunate lives than your or me, these people have a choice to make. A choice between choosing to be a victim of fate, or to Take Back Control of their own lives, through choosing to grow stronger and be more resilient.

The same goes for you or I, no matter what happens in life, we can be better, we can learn and grow from traumatic experiences, if we face up to them, and now just cower away holed up in the corner. Be Courageous!

Now, before we finish the review, I just wanted to list out the main chapters that I really liked and took a lot from. These chapters are also the very rules in which Dr. Peterson believes you should live by to be able to build that resilience and make it easier for when traumatic events happen to you, as they are sure to.

Because that is what life is, a balance of joy and suffering, chaos and order.

So the list of rules are not in order of my favourite rule to least favourite, but just listed out below so that you can get understanding of what the book could be about...

  • Rule Two: Imagine what you could be and aim single-mindedly at that.

  • Rule Three: Do not hide unwanted things in the fog.

  • Rule Eight: Try to make one room in your house as beautiful as possible

  • Rule Nine: If old memories still upset you, write them down carefully and completely.

  • Rule Ten: Plan and work diligently to maintain the romance in your relationship.

  • Rule Twelve: Be grateful in spite of your suffering.

Now these rules are my favourite at the moment, but that is due to what has been happening in my life over the last twelve months. Your rules may be different, depending on your previous experiences and your inner most desires.

Overall, I enjoyed the book, just as much, if not more, than his first book “12 Rules for Life.”

I would give the book an 8/10 if there were to be a score associated with it, only reason I would not give it a full score is due to the fact that the book is drawn out and convoluted. But well worth the read!!

In my next series, I will be writing about nutrition and go through my own story of figuring out why what you put in your mouth truly makes a difference to your life!!

Until next time,

Take Back Control

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