Joel Perryman Joel Perryman


The Strongest shape is a triangle and it is the three points of a triangle that make up that strength. Much like the triangle, success and happiness has three key aspects, LIFE-HEALTH-WEALTH!

Read the article to understand what these three pillars mean and what you need to do to improve yourself!

They say that a triangle is the strongest 2-d shape, and that a pyramid, with triangles for sides, is the strongest 3-d shape. I understand why, if you think about most good stories, they have a trio of heroes, our lives are broken up into childhood, adulthood and old age…

As our lives are broken up into three stages, so are the key fundamentals of our lives when it comes to living a successful and balanced life, or so I believe anyhow.

The three pillars of Taking Back Control is Life-Health-Wealth. Without these three pillars, we would not be able to keep suffering at bay, we would fall into mental health issues and we would definitely fall into physical health issues as well. I do not believe that we can escape suffering in life, as the Buddha once said, “life has inevitable suffering.” However, I do believe that we can reduce and mitigate suffering by living by a certain ethos.

The first thing that you need to do, as I did when I started my own journey, is to realise that you only have one physical body. Only one body for a lifetime of happiness, pain, laughter and crying. Which means that you need to look after this body, you cannot neglect it and think that everything will be alright. You cannot strive to be rich and on top of the world, if you are sickly and unable to enjoy this world properly due to not looking after the body.

My journey started with fitness, it started with my drive to improve my body, which helped me to build up an inner strength as well. With every training session, with every physical achievement, I was able to prove to myself that I can do it. Therefore, your HEALTH is the first pillar to work on, now physical training is not the only thing you need to focus on when it comes to your health. Mental training and your environmental health is also just as important.

You cannot expect to improve your health overnight, much like most things in life, it is a journey that needs to be taken over the course of a lifetime. However, I can give you a few hints that can help you to improve your health, physically and mentally. Exercise, movement and momentum is the key to health, a recent study that had been completed suggested that your overall fitness mattered more than your bodyweight when it came to longevity of life.

Which means, even those that were overweight, as long as they committed to a weekly regime of training and exercise, they lived longer and happier lives. Of course, I do not want you to think that over-indulging on chocolate is ok either, as nutrition is also a really important aspect of health. You are literally what you eat, as your body over the course of a week, makes new skin cells and replaces the old with the cells from the foods you eat.

There has been many an older person who, on their death-bed, regretted not looking after their bodies and after their health more, don’t let that be you.

The second most important pillar of the triangle of Taking-Back-Control, is LIFE. Without it, we would be nothing and the main spark of life is what keeps us going, no matter the hardships we suffer, no matter the heart-ache, we continue on because of three pillars that make up life.

Hope for the future, it is one of the key aspects of humanity that has been the only reason to keep moving forward. Hope was the only thing that got people through wars, through the worst of times, even most recently, through a pandemic.

Without Hope, we would have given up a long time ago, because what would the point be if we did not hope for a better future?

That is why, LIFESTYLE GOALS, is the first thing you need to work on to creating a good life, if I didn’t aim to achieve things or have goals of travel and raising a family, I probably wouldn’t go out everyday to work hard on growing myself.

Which brings me to PURPOSE; it has taken me years of hardships, successes, failures and fumbling to realise my purpose in life. For some, it takes a year, for others, it could take a lifetime. However, I know that my true purpose was born from trying new things and putting myself out in the world and meeting heaps of different people. Understanding more of the world, of other people and understanding your true purpose will make you a stronger person, more resilient and will take you far in life.

Which brings me to the final aspect for life, which is GIVING BACK, giving back to your family, to others, to the unfortunate and to your community. All of these will make your life more wholesome, but there is still one thing that will enhance your Life and your Health…

The last pillar of T-B-C, WEALTH

Wealth will not only enhance your life and health, it will enhance your ability to give back, to have a higher purpose. Wealth and money is not inherently bad, nor is it inherently good, however a lot of people feel guilty about earning and accumulating a lot of wealth. It is not something that we talk about a whole heap, most parents don’t teach their kids about money, the failings or the successes. Most schools teach economics and how money flows, how to buy things etc. But they do not teach about how to create and compound on wealth, and they definitely do not teach about how to protect your wealth.

As a student of financial planning, I have learnt a lot over the last four or five years since I truly started to learn more about money, investing, asset classes and the markets.

Even further back, I was thankful for my mentors on teaching me how to create wealth and earn money, which started when I began my very first business when I was 18 years old.

When it comes to Wealth, there is three things you need to learn and it is very simple knowledge, there is no secret ingredients or magic pills to swallow. I hope over the course of our journey, you will be able to learn some things from myself on how to successfully coordinate and achieve doing these three things that will help you Take Back Control of your Wealth.

If you can learn to Create Wealth, Invest your Wealth to accumulate and grow, and finally, Protect your Wealth, you will be able to surpass more than 95% of people that reside on this Earth.

Over the course of our journey together, I plan to help you and teach you everything I have learned, as well as give your perspectives of other successful people that have been able to build on these three pillars.

For now, I just want you to start thinking about the three pillars and how they may affect your life right now. How would improving one of the key aspects, LIFE-HEALTH-WEALTH, change you and help you?

If you have found this Blog valuable, I would love it if you shared it with friends and family. The more the merrier, as I want to see each and every one of you learn to Take Back Control of your Life-Health-Wealth !

Until next time,

Take Back Control

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