Sometimes Letting Go is What Will Help You Take Back Control!

Have you ever been stuck before? In a rut? Feel like you are not going anywhere?

Generally speaking, if this is how you feel, it means that you are holding on to something that has taught you everything there is and now you are just going through the motions. Whether that be a relationship, a job, potentially the area you live in, a sport or training style, or it could simply be the very career/industry you are in right now.

One thing I have learnt, being a business owner for the last ten years, training for the last 16 years and accomplishing a lot of things through both…

Sometimes you need to let go of things that you hold dear, that make you comfortable and feel secure, to truly grow and give you back control of your future growth.

Coming to terms with letting go of it is scary, not knowing what potentially may come in the future and the unknown has always been the single most feared thing in human existence, alongside the fear of failure. However, it is embracing these fears, taking hold of your future, by letting go of something in the past that is holding you back from growth, that is how you will truly be free to Take Back Control.

There is a lot of connotations to letting go of something as well, things like being afraid of the judgement from others, from disappointing people you hold dear or even yourself, to being seen as a quitter…

You need to be able to let go of that as well, to truly become someone else, to be the person you need to be for you to achieve your goals.

How do you know when to let go though?

When you have exhausted what you think is every avenue, when you have nothing left to learn, when you have been feeling down for some time. When you have been disappointed for the last time, when you know that there can be no change, because you yourself cannot change others or the situation.

That is when you know it is time to let go, and embrace the unknown, embrace your new self that you need to pursue to grow and Take Back Control of your future.

Taking on a new journey can brighten the spirits, motivate you and necessitate growth, because if you do not change and grow, then you will fail.

And sometimes a fear of failure, when you have no other alternative, will help you to spring out of the cosy cocoon and become something else completely.

I hope some of this may help you in your journey of Taking Back Control of your Life-Health-Wealth, I would love to know what else you would like to learn when it comes to Taking Back Control!

If you have any personal finance questions, questions on career/business, health (training and nutrition), investment questions, retirement etc.

I would love to know, just subscribe to our e-mail newsletter here.

Until next time,

Take Back Control


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