Build Resilience to create the life You Deserve!

What qualifies me to teach you and inspire you on taking back control of all aspects of your life? How is it that I can confidently sit here and tell you that I can help you to dream, achieve and become successful?

First of all, I am a business owner, I am a personal trainer and gym owner that has been able to get through a pandemic and help hundreds of people become healthier over the last ten years. Secondly, I am also a university student studying Financial Planning and an investor/home owner that has started putting my money where my mouth is. Thirdly, and most importantly I would say, I am a husband, friend and dog-owner that lives in the South-East suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

All of the above and much more is what I have been able to achieve over the last fourteen years of self-development and growth, which has led me to finding my true purpose in life, but it is not the achievements that I attribute to my success.

No, in fact, it is the hardships that I have endured since I was a child and the values that I learned from a very young age that has helped me to take back control of my own life and create the future I have planned.

I hope I don’t bore you with my origin story, however I do believe that everyone has little nuggets of gold to learn from that is dug deep within their past. Just like a gold prospector or miner, I want to dig deep into my own past to hopefully reveal some absolute gold that may help you to take back control.

Let’s dig in…

One of the main things I attribute my continuing success to is my resilience and hard work ethic which I have built up from childhood and from my parents. My Dad was a really hard worker, he was not perfect, but he taught me that working hard is definitely going to help you to become successful. He also taught me that you need to have balance in your life, that you need to start saving and putting away money and that you can’t be too stubborn with your goals.

My Mum was also a hard worker, after she left school at the age of 16, she started working and has not really stopped, working so she can afford to give us boys gifts and a life that we are very appreciative of. The only thing that stopped her from working is when she had been taken to hospital after complications had arisen a year or two from having my youngest brother, I was too young at the time to understand properly what was going on, but I know it was life-threatening.

Dad and Mum taught me a lot of lessons and I am very grateful for that, however my resilience was built from my friends and the kids that use to bully me day in and day out.

When you are kid that is quite round and overweight, wears circle glasses like Harry Potter and loves reading, you are bound to get bullied. Kids can be mean, words can hurt, and people you thought were friends can mistreat you because you are too nice to retaliate back. Yes, I was the kid that had no confidence or self-esteem, I was overweight and was a bit of a nerd. Let’s be honest, I still am.

I remember that there was one kid in particular, he was taller than me, a year older and loved pushing me around and calling me fat. I was in grade two at the time, so I would have been around eight years old, and it got to the point where I had had enough, I broke down and didn’t go back to class.

I remember vividly this kid standing above me, looking down at me and holding up my prized playing card (Yu-Gi-Oh, for those that are interested), he taunted me and egged me to chase him, but he was older, faster and stronger. I broke down as I took all the verbal abuse and it was not until a teacher found me after lunch, that I actually was able to calm down again.

That was not the end of the bullying of course, but I learned to handle it. I learned to control my emotions and I decided that I would lose fat, not for the bullies who were so persistent, but so that I could get into division one football and make my parents proud. Of course, that was the start of a Summer where I lost seven kilograms, as a twelve year old kid, and grew into my love of fitness and health. The first time I had achieved something for myself and I learned that you need to take control of your own future, your own health and it was the birth of my independence. That was when I learned that goal-setting was so important, but that’s for another article.

I flourished as I made division one footy, started going to the gym when I was fifteen and then I graduated from high school. Resilience and emotional intelligence was built up over the ten years of schooling and bullying and achieving for myself.

Resilience is not something I had built up over night, in fact, I still had to learn more and build more resilience as I grew older and opened my own business. But what has this got to do with you taking back control of your own life, health and wealth?

Well, I hope that you can take out of my own story that no matter who you are, whether you are a twelve year old fat kid that wears glasses and loves playing footy, reading and playing Yu-Gi-Oh/Pokemon or the person you are today, you can take back the power from all the naysayers, all the bullies and give it back to yourself.

You can do this by building resilience, forging your own path and choosing not to care about what others say or think about you.

Because, in actual fact, it doesn’t matter what they say, think or do, the only real thing that matters is what YOU say, think and do. Once you realise this, you steal all that power away from bullies, away from your boss who is giving you a hard time and from the social media trolls, and you take it back for yourself.

The single best way to stop caring about what others think, say or do, is to STOP judging other people and STOP creating gossip or spreading rumours. The number one thing that you can do that will help build resilience is to decide to start investing time and resources to growing yourself and working on YOU.

The world and its people can decide what it thinks of you, but once you work out that one day, you will die with your own thoughts, it won’t matter what others are thinking, only what you are at that particular point in time. Will you regret your life? Or will you feel content with everything that you achieved?

Only you can decide that for yourself.

If you have found this Blog valuable, I would love it if you shared it with friends and family. The more the merrier, as I want to see each and every one of you learn to Take Back Control of your Life-Health-Wealth !

Until next time,

Take Back Control

